Friday, April 26, 2019

Human being or Becomings?

Every parent thinks about the kind of person their child will become in the future. Yes, we all think about it. However, thinking about it is one thing and Imposing these thoughts (or call them expectations) to our children is another. I once had a friend whose future path was already decided for by her parents. Her parents placed more importance on what she was supposed to become later and not what she was at the present. They wanted their baby girl to become a scientist, just like them...I remember this kid..she was rarely out of the house....she was busy studying science all the time? We had another mutual friend who was not allowed in the little scientist's house...this mutual friend was not very good in Math and she wanted to be a musician.....Of course, the little scientist's parents thought she was a bad influence on their little scientist in the making. Fast forward, the musician wanna-be is now our engineer. And the little-scientist-in the making actually became an HR! 

While thinking of the children as young-future-adults, parents forget that a child is first a child....and children like trying new things, they like to explore.  

Seeing children as becoming means we see them as 'adults in the making'...the future adults... forcing us to neglect the realities of the present child...the being child. When we look at children as 'Being' it means we see them as social actors who can construct their own childhood.

We cannot Ignore our future expectations (for our children), but we should also not ignore the child in the present and the whole idea of childhood. 

We should not focus only on what skills/abilities we need our future adults to have and forget that as children they also have abilities. As children they are, can be, and should be active agents.

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